Episode 14- Impulse Control Disorders Versus Substance Use Disorders
Impulse control disorders are things such as gambling addictions, sex addictions, eating disorders, people that are addicted to exercise, workaholics, hoarders. And other things of that nature.
People that participate in impulse control disorders typically do it for the exact same reasons that people use drugs and so we're going to correlate those two and we're going to see if we can show how they are very closely related and gain the same results and even Highness that people seek out with drugs.
Compulsive gamblers: think about gambling most of the time (compulsion), (tolerance) as they increase the size of their bet, restless and discontent when not gambling (which is a psychological withdrawal), continue gambling regardless of how much they lose, (denial says they believe they can control it and will gamble again, even after weeks of abstinence, particularly if they have money in their pocket.
The specific behavioral addiction is a symptom of the addiction, not the illness. The illness is addiction.
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