Walk a Mile in My Shoes - New Episodes Every Two Weeks
A deep dive into the worlds of the minds of people.
Warning-if you are sensitive to hate, you may not want to watch. Some topics are disturbing.
This show explores controversial topics as we attempt to walk in the shoes of many people. We laugh a lot as we struggle with certain things. There are little skits as we have a lot of fun also.
Please subscribe to our show.
Our topics include homosexuality, transgenderism as Lona Currie is the transgender mentor. We explore the January 6 insurrection, normal day at the capital, or friendly visit; which ever news story you watch. It was with Trump Supporters, or antifa, or FBI; again whichever news channel you watch. We look at Black Lives Matter, the death penalty, abortion, and scientology. Nothing is off the table as we explored the drug war and brought Tommy Chong on our show to discuss his experience with selling glass. Not sure why glass is illegal no matter what shape it is in. We have discussed the cancel culture, confederate flag and can't get away from making fun of weird people.
We hope you enjoy.
All of these shows are on audio channels and available on www.highwhileclean.org.
One episode can only be seen on "High While Clean" Website because it is not to be discussed. See if you can figure out which show that is.
Is Trump a Christian or Blasphemous?
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit involves a conscious and deliberate rejection of God’s grace and forgiveness. This interpretation suggests that the heart becomes so hard that it cannot accept the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit, leading to a state in which repentance is impossible.
Logical Fallacies: Errors in Reasoning that can Undermine the Validity of an Argument.
There are two types of logical fallacies. You have a formal fallacy and informal fallacies. Informal fallacies are much more common.
A formal fallacy occurs when there is a flaw in the structure of an argument, making the conclusion invalid even if the premises are true. This type of fallacy is categorized as a non sequitur, meaning that the conclusion does not logically follow from the premises provided.
An informal fallacy occurs when the reasoning behind an argument fails to logically support its conclusion, leading to a judgment that might seem unconvincing or inadequate. These fallacies are often subtle, as they can sound plausible on the surface but lack real substance when examined closely.
The Deadly World of Incels. Involuntarily Celibate. "Not Getting Laid," Has Led to Murder.
Involuntary celibates, or “incels,” are a sub-culture of men who feel totally excluded from the mating market.
"Steve Anderson. This Pastor, Probably Hates You. Is He a False Prophet?"
Steve Anderson, a Pastor, Probably Hates You. False Prophet?
Featuring, Eric McCoy & Lona Currie
Two Podcasters & Humanitarians that want Nothing More than a Safe, Healthy & Whole Humanity! This Show is about Creating a Deeper Connection Between All Humans through Understanding VS Judgement of that & those who are different than ourselves. What We Fear Persists & when we Seek to Understand the things, ideas, beliefs & people that we fear or resist- We Become Better Humans!
So, Come with us & Walk-A-Mile in some of today's most Controversial Shoes so that you too can Expand, Evolve & Connect!
Your Hosts
Lona Currie
I am a charismatic, Inspirational & Motivational Speaker and Writer. Surviving severe trauma in my life led me down a 22yr addiction path that tried its best to take my life! I have spent the past 6yrs learning what truly works in recovery and sharing my story publicly with the world! I find that my recovery path has helped me gain great strength & insight into all important areas of life and I have dedicated my life to helping others develop the same winning strategies in every area of their lives.
Lona’s other show and more info:
Eric McCoy
“Eric has acquired an ability to reach people through unique tactics that don’t fall into the normal scope of treatment.”
Eric’s Other Projects
High While Clean show and podcast - HighWhileClean.org
What Were You Thinking show and podcast - What Were You Thinking