Episode 083: Meet a Patient Who Visited a Couple Doctors for Legitimate Reasons but a Victim of Over-Prescribing

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My guest today, who requested to not be seen, nor her name given, saw a doctor who strictly wanted her to feel good and not necessarily function better.

Doctors can sometimes be our worst enemy if they aren’t looking out for our best interest. One pillar of ethics that always comes to mind is non-maleficence which is to do no harm.

What is it that causes these “experts,” to not care about their patients? Is it ignorance, stupidity, or, what I think it is, to make sure they keep these individuals? Illicit drug dealers hope for the same outcome. How do you do this? Give them substances that will alter their central nervous system enough to where they will become dependent and require the substance to feel normal or as normal as they can feel.

I spent a bit of time recently looking into a doctor that I believe is someone who has or will eventually kill someone. I have today, a guest who unlike myself, saw this same doctor for legitimate reasons since I went strictly to see what I could get.

Please subscribe to our channel. High While Clean is a platform for individuals in recovery to share their story, give hope to those suffering, and a voice to those we have lost. Drug Addiction is powerful and we need to fight the stigma against substance abuse.

Eric’s book, “Pain, Failure, and Misery are the Stepping Stones to Success is available is available in most digital formats as well as paper book and hardback from the publisher.

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Episode 084: Leigh Steinberg: The Real Jerry Maguire. Meet the Sports Agent, Philanthropist, and Author


Episode 082: Tommy Chong: One of the Most Iconic Comedians Today. A Man of Spirituality, Love, and Humility.