Ep. 068: Joe Potosi, Author. Pain in this Last Year Has Crippled Many. A Discussion about Cause and Effect.

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Joe Potosi, who is the author of when the dust settled, between a rock and a hard place shares his pain and loss as a result of COVID. He has over 20 years sober but with things being tough it caused cravings to drink. A powerful discussion on cause and effect.

Cause and effect/ Relapse prevention sits at the core to this idea because we plan for things that will happen, might happen or could happen. Sometimes to plan for the unexpected. When does it become too much, This obviously depends on the person. a highly debated topic refers to our minds desire to correlate a cause with a belief that it has created a specific effect. More commonly said, cause and effect. Cause and effect has a basses in a fallacy to logic because we can’t always prove without a reasonable doubt that one thing completely caused the result of another. I could easily argue that a plane crashed causing the death of the passengers as easily arguable but what about events happening in a persons life causing them to make poor choices later. These are arguments used in courts to get reduced sentences for convicted murderers by arguing that childhood events led them to make the choices they made in the future. But I also couldn’t argue that this wasn’t the case because just as it is almost impossible to prove cause and effect, it is just as impossible to disprove it because we would have to be able to take all factors into consideration that we can’t see such as the genetic makeup, possible variables regarding their character, traits, personality, and even mental health. Were mental health issues present before the occurrence.

This has been a tough year for many of us, as I can hardly imagine not knowing someone or knowing of someone who has died as it is estimated at over 600,000 deaths. It is estimated as over 80,000 deaths of drug overdoses in 2020. Financial hardships for many and for those of us in recovery; discomfort, pain, immense sadness, and in some cases unbearable anger can cause a battle within us that I like to call those whispers of Beelzebub and benefactor, the kindly helper.



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