How the Media Promotes Hatred through Manipulation of Facts

Tucker Carlson is a master at using logical fallacies to manipulate, enrage, and promote hatred through misleading and sometimes dishonest statements. We stand strong on the first amendment and completely support free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of press. Sadly, freedom of press becomes a platform for using peoples biases, opinions, and beliefs which makes it very easy to sell lies and control peoples emotions. We looked through different videos of Tucker Carlson and were unable to walk a mile in his shoes.

With Tucker Carlson as the most watched individual on Fox News, it proposes the question on whether he is news which we have determined he is by the acronym, N.E.W.S. He has been defined by fox as an opinion commentator, we all know his political affiliation although he is registered as a democrat. Huh? We have no interest in politics but instead the idea that hatred is grounded within many areas of this country. Can't we all just get along. Forget I even typed that.

Keep doing what your doing Mr. Carlson but he may become less important if people can really listen to him, understand what and why he is actually saying what he is saying, and research the information that he spouts out. I encourage people to not allow your agenda to blind you to what people say. If you are a republican, we love you. If you are a democrat, we love you. But be careful you don't become another pawn in the game that Tucker Carlson plays as he assumes and needs his listeners to be uninformed and/or uneducated.

Ryan Moulton
I push buttons and hope for the best

Our Country is F$#%ed Up. Drug Use Creates Hate but are Drug Abusers at Fault For the Hate


KKK Agenda. Is Their Argument of Separation Being Biblical Valid? Are They a Hate Group?