High While Clean - the show
A frank and cut to the point show about recovery, hosted by Eric McCoy.
All Episodes →
- Addiction 68
- Drugs 80
- Arrested 1
- Celebrity 2
- Anxiety 1
- Depression 1
- Families Suffering 4
- Family Loss 5
- Gender Dysphoria 1
- Criminal Justice System 1
- Chemical Abuse 4
- Heroin 1
- Children 2
- Detachment 1
- Familes 1
- Hatred 2
- Homeless Shelter 2
- Homelessness 2
- Grief and Loss 1
- Carfentanil 1
- Fentanyl 1
- Documentary 2
- Harm Reduction 3
- Alternative Sentencing 1
- Child Abuse 2
- Incarceration 1
- Legalization 1
- LSD 2
- Dopamine 1
- Child Sexual Abuse 1
- Cancer Survivor 1
- Abandonment 1
- Faith 2
- Hope 2
- Celebrity Rehab 1
- Ethics 1
- Insurance Fraud 1
- Manipulation 1
- Grateful Dead 2
- COVID-19 1
- Coronavirus 1
- Families 1
- Letting Go 1
- Laws 1
- Commitment 1
- Failure Rate 1
- Impulse Control 1
- Behavioral Addictions 1
- Impulse Control Disorders 1
- Happiness 1
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We look forward to your feedback. This show and its production are a labor of love.
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Eric personally reads and respond to all e-mails. Please request a workbook and we will submit a free PDF version of the workbook that is found at the end of “Pain, Failure and Misery Are the Stepping Stones to Success” which allows it to be meaningful to you.
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Episode 084: Leigh Steinberg: The Real Jerry Maguire. Meet the Sports Agent, Philanthropist, and Author
This is Eric McCoy and I am happy, stable and of course high but always clean. Welcome back to high while clean.
Episode 083: Meet a Patient Who Visited a Couple Doctors for Legitimate Reasons but a Victim of Over-Prescribing
This is Eric McCoy and I am happy, stable and of course high but always clean. Welcome back to high while clean.
Episode 082: Tommy Chong: One of the Most Iconic Comedians Today. A Man of Spirituality, Love, and Humility.
A loving, caring, and gentle individual that genuinely wants to help people. He has a humility about him that isn’t seen in many who are in the entertainment industry and as successful and famous as Tommy Chong.
Episode 081: Medically Retired, Undercover Police Officer Who Learned First Hand About Addiction
Brock Bevell is a retired undercover Police Officer who was run over on duty and ultimately retired from the injuries.
Ep. 080: Sophie White: Transgender Actress and Producer With a Powerful Story of Hope and Courage
Sophie white has been in the entertainment industry for many years in lots of different roles and it wasn’t long ago that she officially came out as a transgender.
Ep. 079: Carlos Alvarado: Another Proof that Drug Abusers Aren't Bad People. Is Prison Only For Bad People?
Carlos Alvarado is a student of mine and works in the substance abuse field to help them with the very struggles he battled. He has always impressed me with his story, getting back on his feet, and ability to build a rapport with clients so they trust him.
Ep. 078: Amy Guerrero: Trauma-informed Recovery Coach and Founder of "Thrive In Recovery."
Amy Guerrero is a trauma-informed recovery coach, sober herself, and founder of Thrive In Recovery, which is to help heal trauma, help individuals find success, and create healthy relationships with people. Recently, Amy launched Bridge To Trust, a complimentary 3-day interactive experience designed for repairing relationships, heal dysfunctional family dynamics, and experience a deeper connection.
Ep. 077: David Sperling: Filmmaker of Drunk in Public. Spent 18 years to Help a Person But Impacted Way More
David Sperling, the film maker of "Drunk In Public," chronicles the last 18 years of Mark David Allen's life. He created one of the best documentaries on the horrors of alcohol dependency. Mark David Allen is that teacher with David Sperling as the Director. It was the winner of the Boulder International Film Festival. In 2007, this documentary was released that has become one of the greatest videos that I have been able to find that follows an individual for 18 years as we can physically see the deterioration that alcohol has caused on this man. It is a must see video.
I use his film in my school because it allows me to discuss the different systems of the body effected by alcohol and then show my students through this visual aid what it looks like. Alcohol, being socially acceptable, distorts the perception of many people as less harmful than other drugs when in reality it is the most dangerous drug out there.
It kills more people every year than all illicit drugs combined although with it being legal; a lot more people do it than heroin, meth or other illicit drugs.
As education director at New Creation College, I educate my students on pharmacology and physiological affects of drugs and alcohol. Drugs, aside from alcohol, cause the greatest damage in the Central Nervous system where alcohol disrupts and destroys almost every system within our body.
Alcohol is unique as a drug because it easily crosses our blood brain barrier due to its lipid solubility but also passes easily through every single organ and almost every single cell in our body because of its water solubility.
It was estimated that the average American drank 2.38 gallons of pure ethanol in 2019.
The problem with these types of numbers is that they determine this by dividing the entire amount of alcohol sold in the United States by the population but not all people drink and not all drink there fair share.
It is estimated that approximately 30% of American’s do not drink alcohol at all. For those that do drink it is estimated that 70% of drinkers only consume about 20% of all of the alcohol consumed in the United States.
The left over 30% consume 80%. What is even more significant is that only one third of that 30%, which is only 7% of the total population drink 50% of all of the alcohol consumed in the United States.
This leads to what we classify as the later secondary medical complications of chronic alcohol use.
Statistically these individuals are male, and it is also very evident in their physical appearance.
They are typically thin, hyperpigmented, and a weakened overall appearance. Is unsteady with a broad-based gait known as ataxia.
Many times, bruised as alcohol destroys our platelets. They will have a strong odor of alcohol, teeth missing, and horrible breath as poor hygiene is common.
Clothes saturated with urine or feces since our anti-diuretic hormone within our penal gland is depressed causing us to urinate often.
Breasts may appear enlarged, and testicles shrunken as alcohol will affect our endocrine or hormonal system. The face may reveal dilated capillaries and acne like lesions as well as an enlarged and bulbous nose.
Palms may turn fiery red known as liver palms, skin that looks like paper money, and deteriorated finger and toe nails. Maybe a swelling of the glands in their cheeks, whites of their eyes that can reveal small blood vessels with a corkscrew shape and a yellowish jaundiced appearance.
These are just some of the things you can see outwardly, but what is happening inside is even more horrific because of what is causing those outwardly signs.
Alcohol is a poison and will affect every single system within our body and it are these system that are causing what you are seeing.
I haven’t even accounted for the organic brain disease as some refer to wet brain. Wernicke’ syndrome or Korsakoff’s psychosis.
High While Clean is a platform for individuals in recovery to share their story. give hope to those suffering and a voice to those we have lost. Drug Addiction is powerful and we need to fight the stigma against substance abuse.
Ep. 076: Donella Cecrle: "The Purpose of Recovery." Whatever Will Save Your Life. DO IT!!
My guest today is Donella Cecrle from The Purpose of Recovery.
Purpose of recovery, which is currently located in Orange County, CA. that connect with local, state, and national recovery communities to support long term recovery.
Periodically I come across people and organizations that strive to identify each person as an individual and see what they can do to help them even though it may not even fit within the realm of there goals.
Thinking outside the box requires unique minds and I think today we are going to meet a representative from an organization that seeks to offer this assistance.
The greatest failure in the treatment industry stems from the poor aftercare that is either provided and in many cases not provided at all. Clinicians fail their clients by not following our main goal of planning for their discharge the moment they walk in the doors.
When discharge plans are done, most create a plan that has nothing to do with what the client actually plans on doing but instead what the program wants them to do. 90 meetings in 90 days, get a sponsor, go to this outpatient program.
This plan created by the clinician and many times without the assistance of the client. They then meet with the client and tell them what they are going to do.
The client then signs it just to get out the door with as little conflict as possible and has no intention on doing many of those things.
Just to be clear, this isn’t everybody across the board. There are great clinicians in the industry and the plan works for some. But what about those that it doesn’t
Many programs will not learn from this because they identify the client as just not following the plan that was set.
I have a hard time putting all the responsibility on the client since it is our job ethically to always look out for the best interest of the client. What does that mean? I have an answer which I will get to.
Please check out there website:
Ep. 075: Jason Cupp: Author of “The Naked Guy in the Attic.” Well Educated, Successful, and Throws It Away
Jason Cupp is the author of a new book called “The Naked Guy in the Attic.” It is an autobiographical account of his life as a recovering crystal meth abuser. He is also that someone who did not experiment with drugs until later in life.
It is a memoir describing his life and the significant experiences leading up to his drug addiction. A history of his childhood, adolescence, college years, and adult life as a gay man in a long-term relationship. It continues with a description of the breakup with that partner, the trauma that ensued, his subsequent introduction to crystal meth, and descent into the darkness of addiction.
The second part of the book is an “in-the-moment” journaling of my ninety meetings in ninety days of early recovery. As the writing for this section was done in real time while he was still a newcomer in sobriety, it is a depiction of one who is gradually discarding the clouded effects of crystal meth drug use. Throughout the ninety entries, he describes lessons learned from the messages of various speakers and how he began to apply the suggestions of twelve-step recovery to his everyday life.
He concludes the book with a brief epilogue that summarizes his recovery journey after that initial ninety days. The epilogue is divided into two parts, the first describing how he got to his first-year milestone. The second discusses the unique circumstances of 2020 and how he stayed sober during the pandemic.
The book’s objective is to provide a story of addiction from someone who did not experiment with drugs until later in life to offer the reader an understanding that addiction can happen to anyone. It is also intended as inspiration for the newcomer to recovery, evidence that it is indeed possible to get and stay clean. His message of hope is to convey that sobriety is more than just abstinence from alcohol and drugs; it is a shift in perspective that brings gratitude and an appreciation of life for the once struggling but now recovering addict.
He brings the interesting story of a well-educated man with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from UC-Santa Cruz, a Master of Arts in psychology from Pepperdine University, and a doctorate in Higher Education Leadership from California Lutheran University. He served as Vice President of Financial Aid & International Relations of an entertainment media college in Los Angeles for over thirteen years before he was terminated for reasons directly related to his drug use.
During his four and a half years in active addiction, he lost everything and lived on food stamps, general relief, and disability while trying to survive. It was not until he had nine months of sobriety that he was hired as Director of Financial Aid by another college in Los Angeles, a position he still holds today. Addiction can hit anybody.
Jason Cupp: Author of “The Naked Guy in the Attic.” Well Educated, Successful, and Throws It Away
Ep. 074: High While Clean: A Great Compellation of Some of our Guests and Powerful Advice
This is a team effort in offering ideas that may help someone. These are brief clips of many of our guests from the last year. Success stories, survivors, people of healing, musicians, actors, authors, and other hosts of their podcasts. I hope you enjoy and keep fighting the good fight.
High While Clean is a platform for individuals in recovery to share their story. give hope to those suffering and a voice to those we have lost. Drug addiction is powerful and we need to fight the stigma against substance abuse.
High While Clean: A Great Compellation of Some of our Guests and Powerful Advice.
Ep. 073: Lona Currie: Transgender Mentor. Host of Recovery Soulfood. Discussion on Hate and Hypocrisy
Lona Currie is the host of a podcast called Recovery Soulfood. He is a man of courage as he has battled with himself and others in being who he really is. He is transgender man who I am proud to call my friend.
For many transgender people, living openly can be its own act of defiance in a society that continues to set rigid cultural norms for gender identity and expression.
Transgender people face stigma surrounding who they are from an early age. Often rooted in inaccurate beliefs and politically-motivated attacks on transgender identities.
Transgender people face devastating levels of discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
Transgender people are especially vulnerable when it comes to accessing social services and health care, including finding doctors who respect and affirm their identities.
We can go on and on regarding inequalities such as family issues, legal equality in the definition of hate crimes, and even facing disproportionate rates of poverty and homelessness in the United States.
It is clear that hatred is taught as young children that have never been brain washed by a parent can sit in a room with all nationalities, races, genders, and colors with no conflict nor thought on differences. By looking at that, we have mindless people that can’t think for themselves full of hate.
We could also look at hatred within agendas.
Religion’s by many of those that practice, are grounded within judgement and hatred.
My book, “Pain, Failure and Misery are the Stepping Stones to success covers an enormous amount of information and even goes way beyond substance abuse. In one chapter, I delve into personal power and thinking for oneself and not through the minds of others.
Reach out to Lona Currie at:
We are grateful for our guests, supporters, and members. Please consider supporting High While Clean.